Answers to our most commonly asked questions about Summer School Residential Camp

Do I need to apply for Summer School and the Summer School Residential Camp separately?
No, there is only one application form for both the Summer School and the Summer School Residential Camp, just make sure to acknowledge that you would also like to attend Summer School Residential Camp where it asks at the beginning of the application form.

If I don’t get into Summer School Residential Camp, can I still attend Summer School?
If we’re not able to offer you a place at Summer School Residential Camp, we will still be offering you a position in Summer School. However, please contact us as we may be able to help with alternative accommodation options. If you do not wish to be considered for Summer School alone, please advise us via email (

What sort of information do I need to provide for my Summer School Residential Camp application?
We ask you to briefly detail why you wish to attend the Summer School Residential Camp. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the MYO office via email (

Where is Residential Camp located?
Residential Camp is located at City CYC in the Melbourne CBD. Participants will be provided accomodation to and from the venue each day during the week. Participants must source their own travel arrangements to the first meeting point at the venue on Sunday 5th January and from Hamer Hall on Saturday 11th January.

How much will Residential Camp cost?
We anticipate that the Residential Camp component of the program will cost approximately $650 which is inclusive of accommodation, meals and activities.

When will I need to pay for my Residential Camp fee?
The Residential Camp fee will be taken after allocations have been released in September. Your position in the residential camp will not be finalised until payment has been made.

How many staff will be facilitating the Residential Camp?
This camp operates with a minimum 1 staff member to every 10 students (for instance 25 participants would be accompanied by 3 staff members). Residential camp support staff will be available throughout the entire week to support the needs of participants. All staff hold a current Victorian Working With Children Check.

How are students accommodated?
Participants will be allocated into dorm rooms (of 3-4 people)  based on identifying gender and age. Please contact the MYO office by emailing should you have any concerns.


If you have any questions regarding Summer School, please see our Summer School FAQs page. If you are still unable to find an answer to your question, please contact the MYO office by emailing