What do I need to prepare?
Audition requirements for MYJO in 2023 can be downloaded here.
When will my audition be?
All auditions for Melbourne Youth Jazz Orchestra will take place via pre-recorded audition. Please refer to the recorded audition guide provided to you upon application for further information about how to submit your audition or download the recorded audition guide here.
I would like to audition on more than one instrument, what should I do?
You will need to complete a second application form and pay for a separate audition. We will make every effort to schedule your two auditions as close together as possible. Email to get a second instrument application form.
Can I play with a backing track in my recorded audition?
Melbourne Youth Jazz Orchestra participants may prepare their own choice work with a audio backing. If applicants choose to proceed with a backing track it is important to ensure that the applicants instrument can be heard over the backing track.
How difficult should my own choice work be?
We recommend that you choose a piece/s that best represents your abilities at the time of your audition. There is no need to learn a new piece – you can play something you have already been working on. Talk to your instrumental teacher if you’re unsure. If you are preparing two works, we recommend selecting contrasting pieces to show off your musical versatility.
I made a mistake on my application form. What do I do?
Please email us on as soon as possible; we will amend your application form for you. Please note that changes after audition times have been allocated will not be possible to accommodate.
I’ve missed the application closing date, can I still apply?
Applications close for the 2023 Melbourne Youth Jazz Orchestra Ensemble Program on Thursday 22nd December 2022. You will be able to submit a waitlist application after this date.
I didn’t receive my application confirmation what do I do?
This could be because of a few things:
1) The email may have made it into your junk mail. Check there first.
2) If your audition fee was not paid, your application would not have been finalised.
3) Your email address may have been entered with an error.
We’re standing by to help so please give us a call at the office on (03) 9376 8988.
I don’t know what AMEB (or equivalent) grade I am, what should I put on my application form?
The AMEB grades listed are your guide to the skill level required for each ensemble and are not a formal requirement. If you are not currently undertaking AMEB exams, consult with your teacher as they will know what equivalent standard you are, or call our office for further advice (03) 9376 8988.
Can I join multiple ensembles?
Yes! Members are able to play in more than one ensemble, depending on the instruments and positions available, provided they do not run concurrently. Call our office to find out how to apply and audition (03) 9376 8988.
How/when do I find out my audition results?
Results from auditions will be emailed to applicants on Friday 27 January 2022. If you don’t receive this, please check your junk mail before getting in touch with the office so that we can check your details and resend your results. Remember to confirm your acceptance of any position offered, otherwise your place may be given to a reserve member in the second round of offers.
Can I get feedback from my audition panel?
Feedback from auditions is not available as information collected through the audition process is private and confidential. We are unable to enter into correspondence regarding an applicant’s specific audition result with the applicant, their parents or their teacher. You can also read our full Audition Policy.
Where are rehearsals held?
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music
University of Melbourne, Southbank Campus
234 St Kilda Road
Southbank 3006
When are rehearsals?
Rehearsals will take place on Saturday afternoons during school terms (February-November).
Each Melbourne Youth Jazz Orchestras ensemble will have a two hour intensive rehearsal each week during this program. Sessions will consist of a variety of tutti, sectional and workshop sessions with the ensemble director and guest artists.
What is the difference between MYJO1 & MYJO2?
Both ensembles will be directed by the same Director for each program. MYJO 1 & 2 has been created in order to ensure that each ensemble is musically and socially cohesive.
MYJO 1 is designed for advanced jazz musicians (recommended 14 years and plus) who have at least 3 year’s experience in a jazz ensemble and are currently a level of AMEB 8 (or equivalent) and above
MYJO2 is designed for young musicians (recommended 12 years and plus) who have a basic understanding jazz concepts and 2 or less years of jazz orchestra experience.
All applicants will apply for the general Melbourne Youth Jazz Orchestra stream and will be allocated into MYJO1 or MYJO2 based on their application and skill level presented in the pre-recorded audition.
$10 Audition Application Fee
$864.45 Annual Membership fees
*Ensemble fees are inclusive of a $5 (incl GST) association membership fee. The balance of the ensemble fee is GST-free.
MYO offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to support the development of young musicians, particularly tertiary students, those experiencing financial hardship, and members living in and travelling from regional areas. Further details of assistance available and how to apply will be provided with first round offers in December.