Dr Jemima Bunn completed a Bachelor of Education from The University of Melbourne (1996) and a Masters of Music Education at University of Wisconsin – Madison (2001-2002) and completed her PhD study in music education from The University of Melbourne – Melbourne Graduate School of Education (2019).
Over several years, Jemima has been the Director of Music of vibrant and dynamic music programs in several Victorian government secondary schools including Blackburn High School, Glen Waverley Secondary College and Camberwell High School. Coordinating the classroom, instrumental and ensemble, she has developed a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of music education in school situations. As a casual academic in music education at Deakin University, she has been involved in preparing pre-service teachers with knowledge and understanding of pedagogical approaches in general music across middle and senior years, instrumental pedagogy, conducting and composition.
As Director of Brolga Music Publishing Company in Melbourne, Australia Jemima promotes the work of Australian composers writing for Concert and Brass Band, String and Full Orchestra, Jazz and Flexible Ensembles. Jemima is currently available as a conductor and clinician to work both teachers and students to develop positive experiences in all things instrumental, classroom and ensemble.
Jemima has presented practical clinics and conducting workshops for Australian Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association National and State Branches at several events including ABODA Victoria Summer Conducting School, Queensland Band and Orchestra Clinic, Australian National Band and Orchestra Clinic (Perth). Presenting at the Midwest Clinic in 2004 and 2012, will again do so in 2022. More academically focused presentations have been given at European Association of School Music (2019), Australian Society of Music Education (2019), Melbourne University Forums and International Society for Music Education.
Jemima has conducted ensembles at The University of Wisconsin – Madison Summer Music Clinic and University of Southern Mississippi Honour Band Camp, for Melbourne Youth Music; the Eastern Region Concerts; adjudicating Festivals throughout Australia. Jemima is conductor/administrator of the Melbourne Wind Ensemble, an ensemble made up of professional and semi-professional wind, brass and percussion players who wish to play high level, challenging wind ensemble repertoire. She was honoured to conduct the Blackburn High School Symphonic Band at the Midwest Clinic 2017.
Jemima has been active in the Australian Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association by serving as a committee member, president and vice president at state and national levels. In 2006, she received an ABODA Victoria Excellence Award and in 2018 a National Citation of Excellence for her work in music education.